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Silent Movies Made Musical: The Freshman-A fundraiser for the DMC


A fundraiser for the Danbury Music Centre!

Danbury Vaudeville Orchestra under the direction of Michael Bank will be playing a live musical soundtrack for the silent film classic The Freshman at Greenwood Features in Bethel, CT on Sunday March 2 at 3 pm.
It is a film about Youth” – Harold Lloyd
The Freshman (1925) is one of comedian Harold Lloyd’s funniest and most timeless comedies.  Lloyd, with his signature horn-rimmed glasses, embodied the reserved American hero that later became the model for the bespectacled Clark Kent of Superman fame.  While a new romance blossoms, Harold joins his college football team in search of popularity and status but hits some stumbling blocks along the way.  Filmed at USC and the Rose Bowl (during a UC Berkeley – Stamford Game), The Freshman transports the viewer back to the excitement of the campus and arena of yesteryear.
The Danbury Vaudeville Orchestra is a seven piece group composed of members of the Danbury Music Centre.  The film score for The Freshman has been newly compiled from authentic silent film cues by Michael Bank who assisted in scoring silent films for the AMC channel.

Purchase your tickets in advance here.

Silent Auction and Concessions will be available


March 2
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST


Greenwood Features
269 Greenwood Avenue
Bethel, Connecticut 06801
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